The Marathi performance was an interaction through letters sent and received in the year 1980 by the renowned Marathi writers G.A Kulkarni and Sunita Deshpande. With a light-colored set, the performance was a treat for bibliophiles as well as theatre enthusiasts. The performance showed the very special friendship between the two authors. The performance managed to create warmth in the audience. With a few heart-touching moments and a few fine funny ones, the letters show the friendshipbetween the two, in its truest forms. The taunting, scolding, and admiration shows us the heartfelt love that they shared for each other. The friendship between the authors is relatable yet unique and hence managed to bring the audience a bit closer to these authors. All in al,l the performance seemed like a heartfelt dedication to the authors because of how the director had handled this very personal interaction without damaging the delicate and beautiful relationship that the two authors shared.