On the first day of Natyavachan Spardha (final round), two plays were read. Court-martial (Dir. Mr. Bipin Mangeshkar) and Thasht (Dir. Mrs. Madhura Tapre-Aagarkar). One thing that was common between both the plays was – Rebel. Rebel against someone wrongfully in power. Court-martial is a courtroom drama about Jawan/Sawar Ramchandra who has shot Capt. Kapoor and accepts his did openly. Though he is accused for an attempt of murder, we slowly realize the reasons behind his act. The play showed parts of a (still) cast-based society and how one suffers from it. It explores racism, domestic violence and centralized power.
Court-martial also used its military background to intensify the issue and to provide a strong ending. That is about six women living in a working women’s hostel. Women who are standing (or struggling to stand) against the male dominant society. That explores different phases of womanhood and the impact of society on it. It created a strong picture of women fighting for their deserved freedom and ready to pay the price in the process. Tharlela lagna modlelya mulinchi gosht they explained the title and stayed honest to it.
-Sanket Bagul.