“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank
While great joy inevitably yields great abundance, rarely does this relationship work in reverse. With this in mind, we hosted the very first IAPAR International Theatre Festival in November 2016. Following this, we were thrilled to host the second IAPAR International Theatre Festival in November 2017, in the heart of Pune, a city brimming with culture, art and intellectual advancement. The theme of the festival is ‘Actor at the Centre’ and the festival featured fifteen innovative performances from Argentina, Bangladesh, Germany, Korea, Sri Lanka, Turkey and of course India.
The IAPAR International Theatre Festival is the official festival of the Indian Centre of International Theatre Institute (ITI)
From 1st to 12th November, we welcomed remarkable artists, art professionals and practitioners, innovators from artistic disciplines, and senior educators and academicians from Argentina, Bangladesh, Germany, Korea, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Hungary, Japan, Portugal, Serbia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Czech Republic and USA, and various parts of India. It also hosted a Students Exchange Program in association with three national Universities and a Young Critics Forum in collaboration with IATC – International Association for Theatre Critics. The performers themselves come from varied backgrounds, with reference to social, political, individualistic as well as artistic dynamics. This brings in cultural, intellectual and humanistic diversity to the festival and facilitates a healthy exchange of ideas and perspectives.