Stepping out of the bubble of restrictions, the IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2022 went back to normal, as it used to be two years ago! The IAPAR International Theatre Festival is an enormous event that we plan for all year. There’s always a lot of running around the clock and too much hassle but we wont have it any other way because we all want to do this, we all want it to happen. Hosting several performances and guests from all over the world, masterclasses, workshops,
and play readings is all we wait and prepare for every year. It is when our entire, ever-the-enthusiastic team gets together and works to build this Festival- our labour of love. Slowing it down due to the covid-19 pandemic was hard and what was even harder was not to see the applause, the cheers, the smiles, the tears, and the conversations happening at the Festival. But with the will to host the Festival no matter what, we found ways to adapt and bring a hybrid Festival over the last two years. The restrictions also motivated us to come up with new segments of Creative Crossover and Emerging Artist’s lab which were really
appreciated and will continue to be part of the Festival henceforth. Even though
the Festival has evolved in the past two years, the fact that it went back to as it used to be was very overwhelming for us all, making us cherish and value these times even more.
We welcome you with open arms to witness the seventh edition of the IAPAR International Theatre Festival from the 1st of November 2022 to the 6th of November 2022 at the Kalachhaya Cultural Centre, The Pune Studio, and the Base. Here’s to a whole week of witnessing diverse stories, learning & engaging,
and making beautiful memories to hold onto!